1. 你每天都看到神, 你只是沒認出他來. ~ 阿格尼

 You see God eveyday, you just don't recognize. Agni.


2. 我為你打開天堂之門, 但你必須自己走過去. ~ 阿格尼

 For you I open the doors of heaven but you must walk through it yourself.
 Have a blessed week, Agni


3. 沒有人會在意你是否意志消沉,所以應該要快樂. ~ 阿格尼

 Nobody really cares if you're depressed, so you might as well be happy. Agni


4. 假如有些你的祈禱沒有回答,就把它視為上帝最好的禮物

 If some of your prayers are unanswered consider it the greatest gift of God.


5. 生命中你所需要知道的就是如何讓自己快樂. ~ 阿格尼

 All you need to know about life is how to be happy! Agni


6. 神瞭解我們的禱告, 即使我們不知道要說什麼. ~ 阿格尼

 God understands our prayers even when we can't find the words to say them.


7. 憤怒是欲望的姐妹. ~ 阿格尼語錄

 Anger is the sister of desire.


8. 生活不問你是否同意它的意義

 Life does not ask if you approve its meaning.


9. 愛回答了所有的問題。

 love answers all questions.



 When we lose God, it is not God who is lost.



 I know God will not give me anything I can't handle.

 I just wish that He didn't trust me so much. ~Mother Teresa



 If you are searching light, come directly to the source of light, not to
 any of the reflections. I will be waiting for you. Blessings, Agni



 All you need to know about life is how to be happy! Agni


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