
嗨! 我親愛的朋友們:







就 如同你已察覺到的,從2011年起,二元對立的力度是越來越強勁。我們心中舊有的…無論是在精神上、肉體上、或情緒上的「評審團們」,將再次的把我們尚未 完整療癒的部份,以新的方式再次呈現在你的生活中。它們是來提醒你的、它們是來協助你,再次專注聚焦地走上屬於你本來面貌的道路的。


你 們其中的某些人,也許會感到他們是如此的軟弱,以致於無法去面對他們的命運。心態上不願意學習黑暗世代的事務;以選擇死亡,再次誕生的方式來面對。也許對 他們來說這樣是容易一些的。而其他人,希望是大部分的你們。將選擇迎向挑戰,準備好獻上在二元世界中,個人賴以依靠的錨予神;將那些過往你視為安適,但侷 限自己的錨予神。















Hello my friends, today I want to talk about healing.

Healing is not an absence of illness, it is the absence of binding polarity as a sign of lived unity.

As you already recognized, the forces of polarity seems to strengthen in 2011. Old in...juries, no matter of mental, physical or emotional which are not completely healed will rise to the surface again and struggle to find a new presence in your life. They are a reminder. They help you to focus on your own path to your origin.

Some of you might feel too week to face their destiny and may decide that it is easier to die and to return fresh born without the mindset learned in the age of darkness. Others, hopefully most of you, welcome the challenge and are ready to sacrifice their personal anchors in polarity, which provided a feeling of being secure in a limited world in your past.

You will learn to laugh loud about the returning weaknesses of the past recognizing them as old friends ready to join you in the fire and to melt into unity with you.

For you healing on all levels will be spontaneous and a world of mysteries opens its doors for you to join the company of those who are already an embodiment of light and love.

Come on, face the task, join in and be blessed.

Welcome home!




附註: 如果您喜歡以上資訊,可在Facebook 搜尋Agni Eickermann.




  督尼(Duni) 療癒之火 




 <轉自Facebook Leila翻譯分享~


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