加百列天使長 - 2010年6月 - 夏至訊息
摯愛的各位 從黑暗到光明—這整個世界在六月21日-夏至時節進行轉換了 在光明中 所有人將以他們所探索的純淨靈性而尋得合一了 在光明中 你將驚異那從一切所是的造物主而來的覺醒 所帶來驚人的愛的禮物與知識 Dear Ones, From darkness into the Light – the whole world shifts on June 21, the Solstice. In the Light all will find Oneness with the pure Spirit they seek. In the Light dwells wonder, knowledge and the incredible gift of love which comes from your awareness of the Creator of all that is. 正是這夏至的力量 透過非常穩定地、拉向光之源頭的勢能 來提供這些提醒 太陽只是「一的臨在力量」的一個令人敬畏的代表 它只是生命最偉大的象徵之一 喝采著一整個驚人的成長季節 並與大地連結著 在這夏季 能輕易地回憶起上主之光 並感受到這星球上生靈們脈衝的存在狀態 因為這一年群體全速地被賦予了覺醒的力量 未來這一季 讓自己浸淫在身邊的生命勢能中是非常重要的 給自己更多時間在大自然中 即使只是個都市裡的公園 這些綠洲提供滋養給需要與地球母親連結的人們 This is the power of the Solstice providing these reminders through a force of energy that pulls very steadily towards the Source of the Light. The Sun is only a representation of the awesome power of the One Presence. It is one of life’s greatest metaphors and hails a season of incredible growth and connection to the earth. During the Summer, it is easier to remember the Light of God and to sense the Presence of the pulse of life in the planet. Because of the empowerment of the mass awakening in full throttle this year, it is especially important to soak in the Life Force available during this precious season. Give yourself more time in nature, even if it is only a city park. These oases offer nurturing to those who need connection to the Earth Mother. 別害羞 擁抱樹木吧! 透過它們的根部系統 樹木保存著強大的落實連結力 可協助你們穩定下來 當生命勢能透過樹木一波波向你襲來 並以愛與力的禮物強化著你的身體 它們是否有看到你就沒有那麼重要了 讓樹木知道你多麼感激這個禮物 這有力的溝通透過深層的土地連結提供給你 並給予你每一天的活力 允許你釋放超量的情緒能量 樹木會以此來作為養份 鼓勵孩子們從身邊的樹木來給出與接受 這能使他們對於所有生命的內在連結有健康的了解 Hug trees without shame! Through their root system, trees hold a powerful grounding connection that can assist your stability. As the Life Force surges through the tree and empowers your body with the gift of love and strength, it won’t matter what anyone thinks if they see you. Let the tree know how much you appreciate its gifts. This powerful communication provides you with a deep earth connection that will give you strength in your daily life, and allow you to release excess emotional energy that the tree can use for compost. Encourage the children to give to and receive from the trees around them. It offers them a healthy understanding of the inter-connectedness of all life. 我們在北半球轉向太陽時提供這些提醒 當光將地球的黑暗放逐時 從它的神聖中領受吧 把它呼吸進你存在體的每一個細胞之內 並轉化它 當北半球的白晝開始縮短 南半球的夜晚增長之時 允許光餵養你、滋養你的存在體 你的想像力是讓神聖之光滋養你身體最有力量的工具 在白晝之中 召喚光流經你的存在體進入土地中 就好像你以此來祝福土地一般 We offer these reminders now as the northern hemisphere turns toward the light of the sun. Receive from the holiness of this Light as it banishes the darkness on the earth. Breathe it into every cell of your being and be transformed. Allow this Light to feed your being and nourish you as the days begin to shorten in the northern hemisphere and lengthen in the southern. Your imagination is a powerful tool that allows you to continue to nourish your body with Divine Light. Call this Light through your being on a daily basis and bless the earth as if flows through you into the earth. 從光中接收是個偉大的祝福 讓你的意圖更朝向和平、和諧與愛 那麼光將會創造這樣品質的能量 顯化在你的生命中 在北半球朝向增長的太陽之時 利用這時機更積極地滿足自己的夢想 It is a great blessing to receive from the Light. Let your intention be toward more Peace, Harmony and Love, and the Light will create the energy for these qualities to manifest in your life. Use the timing of the season to move into active participation in the fulfillment of your dreams as the northern hemisphere turns toward growth of summer. 隨著你運用夏至的能量自然之流 允許這季節的光照亮你內在的每一個黑暗角落 並觀想世間的存在們正被光所祝福 所有存在將會受惠 和平將會是逐漸增長的實像 並將在秋分時節得到豐收 沉浸在夏日花朵之美的顫動中 並享受那健康新鮮的產物 讓自己與自然循環連結 並享受在這夏至時機垂手可得的 大地與光的豐美 那是你從光之源頭所接收的禮物! 一切如是 加百列 As you use the natural flow of the energy available at the time of Solstice, allow the light of the season to enlighten any dark corners within you, and visualize the world being blessed by this light. All beings will benefit and peace will be a growing reality to be harvested at Equinox in the autumn. Soak in the vibrant beauty of summer flowers, and enjoy the healthy fresh produce. Align yourself with the natural cycle and enjoy the earth’s bounty and the light available on the longest day of the year. It is your gift to receive from the Source of all Light. And so it is. Shanta Gabriel
For Archangel Gabriel
June 18, 2010
Summer Solstice Message
加百列天使長透過Shanta Gabriel傳訊
6/19, 2010 (6/20張貼)
田安琪翻譯 歡迎轉載