
早安!今早我自己的祈禱:   Good morning! My prayer this morning:

上天感謝你聽到我的祈禱    Thank you heaven for hearing my prayer

我是紀雅芹          I am Yava Chi

我願意寬恕          I am willing to forgive

我願意寬恕過去所有的想法   I am willing to forgive all the thoughts in the past

我願意寬恕過去所有的發生   I am willing to forgive all the happenings in the past

我寬恕地球所有的發生     I forgive all the happenings on earth

我接受地球所有的發生與存在  I accept all that happen and exist on earth

老天請你帶路,謝謝你。我愛你。 Heaven please guide me. Thank you. I love you.


上天感謝你聽到我的祈禱.     Heaven thank you for hearing my prayer

我是紀雅芹           I am Yava Chi

我願意將我的光.我的心.我的愛.我靈魂的能量 與地球做連結

I am willing to connect my light, my heart, my love and my soul energy with the earth

老天請你帶路.謝謝你.我愛你    Heaven please guide me. Thank you. I love you.


上天感謝你聽到我的祈禱.     Heaven thank you for hearing my prayer

我是紀雅芹            I am Yava Chi


I am willing to live the safety, health, courage, joy, abundance in wealth in my life

老天請你帶路.謝謝你.我愛你     Heaven please guide me. Thank you. I love you.


上天感謝你聽到我的祈禱       Heaven thank you for hearing my prayer

我是紀雅芹            I am Yava Chi

我願意成為你的管道         I am willing to become your channel


To pass forwards all your love, abundance, grace to the earth

我願意示現你所有的奇蹟與恩典    I am willing to embody all your miracles and grace

讓身邊的人知道有這樣的可能     So let people around me know such possibility

老天懇請你帶路.謝謝你.我愛你    Heaven I beg you to guide me. Thank you. I love you.




P.S. 感謝歆賀分享....親愛的朋友,你也可以素素看喔(記得把名字改成自己的喔)!

Thank Jean Hong for sharing(shamba translated.

Dear friends , you can also try try it~ (remember to change to your own name!)





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