阿格尼傳承 / The Agni Tradition
(Thank you Agni for making this video, proof-reading the transcript, and all the love and guidance.
感謝阿格尼錄製影片、校正本文稿及所有的愛與指引 )
人們疑惑著,為什麼我是金頭髮、白皮膚,一點不像來自喜瑪拉雅山或印度的,只像顆甘蘭菜(註:意指德國人,因為他們吃甘蘭菜)。我的父母給我的名字是法蘭 克,那聽來比較符合我的遺傳。我在吠陀經時稱自己為火神阿格尼,因為在當時火是極必要的,是臣服的核心(如果在現在,我或許該自稱為Sony, Panasonic 之類的 )。
原初之時有神,神開始著手創造這所有神奇的萬物,然而萬物無法認出彼此──因為當時是黑 暗的──沒有人認出每個人都與神合一,每個存有只認知自己在神當中,彼此卻沒有溝通。然後他給了那個字「讓光出現吧」,所以我便形成了,但不是以阿格尼之 名,而是以光、以火之名。於是每個人便開始認出自身以及彼此,並且有了溝通。一些時候之後,我們的父親說這溝通必須充滿愛,所以便創造了基督(不是以耶穌 之名,耶穌是基督後來在以色列的轉世),基督去到各個宇宙並開始教導它們以愛溝通。
所以,從那眾世源起之時,我們便選擇了 投胎世間,也就是我們在地球被創造的那一刻起便一直轉世於此,與來自各個天堂的眾多存有一起成為被造萬物。我們的第一個家在天堂,第二個家便是地球。我們 創造了這個地方來經驗天父所賜予我們的一切--能在身體中認出我們的天堂,能經驗神有一個身體,能在物質世界中經驗自己。這是個美好的地方,這個個體本身 充滿了愛與基督之光;大地之母充滿了基督之光,並且她想要在此時把這光生出來。因此天堂決定讓千萬個天使轉世成為使者,以讓地球上的人們認出:「嘿,我們 在回家的路上,我們能認出自己,我們能回到自己的天堂,我們能與由神轉世的人對談,在自己的心與神之間我們不需要任何人,我們有能力直接回家」。世界各地 有千萬個天使與上百個佛陀轉世,給出他們的教導與禱文來提醒人們自己所繼承的;所有薩滿文化的老師們也轉世,在此分享他們的智慧與知識;曾經教育耶穌的數 百個厄色尼人也轉世,再次開始他們的工作;一些神的化身們也轉世,來幫助這個黃金世紀的誕生。
這就是我們現在的位置──我們正在一個嶄新造物的開始。而那會開始於我們自己之中,開始於我們的心中,開始於我們內在的光、內在的平靜以及對自我的知識與源頭中。若你聆聽,便能聽到 靈魂的聲音、能聽到光、甚至能聽到愛。所以請你給自己時間走你的路,要快樂,進行你的靜心、你的祈禱,連結你天堂中任何你想連結的人,來提醒自己你是來此 完成你的道路、實現你的任務並再度與自己的源頭合一。
People are wondering why I’m blond, light-skin, and not looking like an Indian or Himalayan but just looking like a Kraut (name for Germans, because they eat cabbage), which of course I am. My parents named me Frank, which sounds more like my heritage. I called myself Agni in the time of the Vedas, because fire was very essential these days and central part of devotion (vs. nowadays maybe I would call myself Sony, Panasonic or something ).
In the beginning, there was god, and god started doing all these wonderful creation. But creation couldn’t recognize each other - it was dark – everybody was one with god and everybody recognized only oneself in god with no communications. Then he gave the word “let there be light”, so I came into existence, not in the name of Agni, but in name of light, fire. And everybody started to recognize him/herself and each other, and communications started. Some times later, he said this communication had to be filled with love, so he our Father created Christ (not in name of Jesus, who was in turn the incarnation in Israel), who went through all the universes and started to teach them to communicate in love.
So since that time, at beginning of all worlds, we chose to incarnate, ie we incarnated in all time on earth since beginning at the creation of the earth. We shared this creation with many of the beings from all heavens. We all have our first place of home in heaven, and earth is our second place of home. We created this place to experience what the heavenly father gave to our beings – we can recognize our heaven in the body, we can experience god having a body, we can experience ourselves in the material world. And this is a wonderful place, the entity itself is filled with love and Christ light. Mother earth is filled with this Christ light and she wants to give birth to this light in these days. So the heaven decided that thousands and thousands of angels incarnate to be messengers for the people on earth to recognize: "Hey it’s going back home, we can recognize ourselves, we can return to our heaven, we can talk to god being incarnated as human being, we don’t need anybody between our heart and god, we are capable to have a direct line home". And with all the thousands of angels and incarnated hundreds of buddhas all over the world, giving their teachings and prayers to remind people of their heritages. And from all shamanic cultures, teachers incarnated and are here today to share their wisdom and knowledge. The Essenes who already educated Jesus incarnated in hundreds to start doing their work again. And some avatars incarnated as well to help in this new creation of the golden age.
That’s where we are now - we are right in the middle of the start of the new creation. And it starts in ourselves, starts in our hearts, starts in the inner light, the inner peace and the knowledge about yourself, your origin. If you listen up, you can hear the sound of your soul, you can hear the light, you can even love. So please take your time and go your path. Be happy. Do your meditation, your prayers. Connect to whom ever you want of your heaven to remind you that you are here to fulfill your path, that you are here to fulfill your mission, to unite again with your own origin.
Enjoy and love and have peace.
Note: 'Agni Tradition' is also known as 'Tradition of Holy Fires'.